Why We Support Wendy Jacobs

The People’s Alliance endorses Wendy Jacobs for the Durham Board of County Commissioners. Wendy is seeking her third term as County Commissioner and we believe she will continue to fight for progressive solutions to the issues that we face in Durham. Throughout her last two terms Wendy has made it clear that she is devoted to combating the structural racial and economic inequities in our community. We are convinced that Wendy’s hard work and leadership will continue help unify the elected boards in Durham to fight for the needs of vulnerable communities. In her first two terms Wendy has taken a leading role in establishing a plan for Durham’s aging population. Wendy has also proven herself as a fierce advocate for
Durham’s early childhood education programs and expanding solar energy in our schools. During her time as a County Commissioner Wendy has shown that she is able to give the time to offer leadership and her expertise
on the myriad of programs funded by our County. We believe she will continue to be a strong presence for another term.

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