ANNOUNCED: Endorsement Meeting for District Court Appointment

In February, Governor Cooper appointed the Honorable Shamieka Rhinehart to the Durham County Superior Court. This left a vacancy on the Durham County District Court. This spring, the governor will appoint someone to fill that vacancy.

The People's Alliance PAC will host a virtual endorsement meeting on Wednesday, April 12 beginning at 6:30 pm.

To attend you must:

(1) be a current member of People's Alliance*, and

(2) register to attend the endorsement meeting

by noon on April 10.

People's Alliance PAC members will consider the question of whether to recommend someone to Governor Cooper to fill the seat Judge Rhinehart vacated, and if so, who. 

In order to attend the virtual endorsement meeting, a person must be a current member* of the People's Alliance AND have registered for the meeting by Monday, April 10, 2023. There is no guarantee that someone who pays dues or registers after noon on April 10 will receive the Zoom link to attend the meeting.

In order to vote at the endorsement meeting, a person must have been a member for at least 60 days prior to the meeting. February 11, 2023 is the last day a new member could have joined to be eligible to vote at this meeting. Members who joined the People's Alliance for the first time after that date as well as longer-time members may speak at the meeting. 

Need to pay your 2023 dues? Join or renew here.

Want to attend the meeting? Register for the endorsement meeting here.

People's Alliance PAC takes endorsements very seriously.  We seek applicants’ statements about their qualifications and conduct applicant interviews. We make our own independent examination of each applicant’s background and record of public service. This information is reported to the members of the People’s Alliance who deliberate together and vote to determine which candidates, if any, will receive the PAC’s endorsement. At our endorsement meetings, all members stand on an equal footing and debate continues until every member who wishes to be heard has been given the opportunity to speak. The People's Alliance PAC then uses its resources to promote the appointment of the applicant we endorse.  Because of the thoroughness of our inquiry and the integrity of our process, the endorsement of the People’s Alliance PAC is sought after by applicants and is respected by the governor. VISIT OUR FAQ PAGE to learn more about the endorsement meeting process.

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