2016 People's Alliance PAC Endorsement Meeting

Be one of the People's Alliance PAC members to endorse candidates for all 2016 elections. Our endorsements for Durham County Commission, District Court Judge, and School Board WILL make a difference in the quality of our public schools, the fairness of our justice system, and the future of our community. We will also endorse in State and National contests.  All People's Alliance members are welcome to participate in the discussion.  
PLEASE COME AT 6:15PM TO SIGN-IN, pay 2016 dues, donate & volunteer to help Progressives win!
To VOTE, you must have been a People's Alliance member by December 29, AND you must renew for 2016. 
If you have NOT paid People's Alliance dues in 2016, RENEW FOR 2016 HERE.
Invite others to join People's Alliance & help Progressive candidates on Facebook or ​
Read where candidates stand: Candidate Questionnaires
January 28, 2016 at 6:30pm - 10pm
St Luke's Episcopal Church
1737 Hillandale Rd
Durham, NC 27705
United States
Google map and directions
Lorisa Seibel ·
Ed Harrison Phil Lehman Rebecca Board Timothy Stallmann Chelsea Earles Peter Skillern Rachel Fraade Patricia Carstensen Jeff Worcester Kc Elander Ann Sotolongo Adam Beyer Rann Bar-on Jose Sandoval Billy Morris Holly Hardin Wesley Brown Penny Morris Tim Knechtel Dave Wannemacher Meg Wannemacher Hilda "Cookie " Coppedge Neal Pierre-Gatke David Harris rodrigo dorfman Mandy Carter Brian Brewer Diane Catotti Mark Hellman Wendy Jacobs Leslie Nydick Robert Healy Laura Morrison Eliza Meredith Dr. Darryl Roberts Laura Echols Betsy Crites Luke Beyer Jackie Brown Janet Martell Henry Pruette Wendy Sotolongo Debby Bishop Tom Miller Robert Corriher Magan Gonzales-Smith Charlie Reece Sarah Mattingly

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